Estonian-Swedish Mental Health and Suicidology Institute

Estonian-Swedish Mental Health and Suicidology Institute


Translations from English to Estonian

WHO resources

Enesetappude ennetamine: Abiks nõustajatele. Tallinn: ERSI; 2006
[Preventing Suicide: a resource for counsellors. Geneva: WHO; 2006]

Enesetappude ennetamine: Ennetusmeetmed töökohal. Tallinn: ERSI; 2006
[Preventing Suicide: a resource at work. Geneva: WHO; 2006]

Enesetappude ennetamine: abiks vanglaametnikele. Tallinn: ERSI; 2005
[Preventing Suicide: a resource for prison officers. Geneva: WHO; 2000]

Enesetappude ennetamine: suitsiidide kajastamine meedias. Tallinn: ERSI; 2005
[Preventing Suicide: a resource for media professionals. Geneva: WHO; 2000]

Enesetappude ennetamine: suitsiidiohvri leinajatele eneseabigruppide algatamiseks. Tallinn: ERSI; 2005
[Preventing Suicide: how to start a survivors group. Geneva: WHO; 2000]

Enesetappude ennetamine: abiks esmatasandi tervishoiutöötajatele. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli kirjastus; 2001 (kordustrükk Tallinn: ERSI; 2008)
[Preventing Suicide: a resource for primary health care workers. Geneva: WHO; 2000]

Enesetappude ennetamine: abiks perearstidele ja üldarstidele; 2000
[Preventing Suicide: a resource for general physicians. Geneva: WHO; 2000]

Manuals of Befrienders International

Abistamisoskused. Käsiraamat juhendajatele. Befrienders International; 1997
[Befriending Skills. A Manual for Trainers. Befrienders International; 1996]

Abistamiskeskuse juhtimine. Käsiraamat direktoritele ja administraatoritele. Befrienders International; 1997
[Managing a centre. A guide for centre directors and administrators. Befrienders International; 1997]

Abistaja käsiraamat. Befrienders International; 1995
[Volunteers’ Handbook. Befrienders International; 1994]

Käsiraamat ettevalmistuskursuste juhtidele. Befrienders International; 1995

Translations from English to Russian

Wasserman D, editor. Суицид – напрасная смерть. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus; 2003
[Wasserman D, editor. Suicide – an unnecessary death. London: Martin Dunitz; 2001]

Estonian-Swedish Mental Health and Suicidology Institute (ERSI) | Õie 39 Tallinn 11615 |