Mental Health Promotion Handbooks
Coordinator: Work Research Centre (Ireland)
Supervisor: Dr Richard Wynne
National coordinator: Merike Sisask
Project manager: Airi Mitendorf (since 2011), Zrinka Laido (2010-2011)
Duration: 2010-2013
Funded by: Executive Agency for Health and Consumers, EU Health Programme 2008-2013 (Grant Agreement No 20091213), Ministry of Social Affairs
Description: ProMenPol follow-up. The project will develop 3 manuals for mental health promotion in 7 languages, one each for the schools, workplace and older people’s living environments settings (latter includes residences but also services delivered at home). It will also develop face-to-face and e-learning training related to these manuals. The project will then test these training courses in each of the settings with the appropriate target groups.
Project website: