Preventing Mental Health Problems in Elementary Schools: Effectiveness of a Universal Classroom-Based Preventive Intervention (PAX GBG) in Estonia
Student: Streimann, Karin
Degree: Doctor’s Degree
Defended: 2021
Supervisor: Sisask, Merike; Toros, Karmen
R&D institutions: Tallinn University
Narratiivne psühhoteraapia häiritud kehakuvandiga teismelistele ja noortele: alternatiivne ja toetav meetod korrektiivsele kirurgiale
Student: Ticchi, Davide
Degree: Doctor’s Degree
Defended: 2019
Supervisor: Sisask, Merike
R&D institutions: Tallinn University, School of Governance, Law and Society
Depressive feelings and suicidal ideation among Estonian adolescents and associations with selected risk behaviours
Student: Mark, Lauraliisa
Degree: Doctor’s Degree
Defended: 2018
Supervisor: Värnik, Airi; Sisask, Merike
R&D institutions: Tallinn University, School of Governance, Law and Society
European Older Adults’ Well-Being and Suicide in the Societal and Family Context
Student: Jing Wu
Degree: Doctor’s Degree
Defended: 2014
Supervisor: Värnik, Airi; Kasearu, Kairi
R&D institutions: Tallinn University, Institute of Social Work
Dimension-specific impact of social exclusion on suicide mortality in Europe
Student: Yuryev, Andriy
Degree: Doctor’s Degree
Defended: 2012
Supervisor: Värnik, Airi; Leppik, Lauri
R&D institutions: Tallinn University, Institute of Social Work
The relationship between perceived poor family communication and suicidal ideation among adolescents in Estonia
Student: Samm, Algi
Degree: Doctor’s Degree
Defended: 2012
Supervisor: Värnik, Airi; Tooding, Liina-Mai
R&D institutions: University of Tartu, Faculty of Social Sciences and Education, Institute of Sociology and Social Policy
The social construction and subjective meaning of attempted suicide
Student: Merike Sisask
Degree: Doctor’s Degree
Defended: 2011
Supervisor: Värnik, Airi; Lagerspetz, Mikko Kari
R&D institutions: Tallinn University, Institute of International and Social Studies
Estonians’ and Russian minority’s suicides and suicide risk factors: studies on aggregate and individual level
Student: Kõlves, Kairi
Degree: Doctor’s Degree
Defended: 2006
Supervisor: Värnik, Airi
R&D institutions: University of Tartu