Estonian-Swedish Mental Health and Suicidology Institute

Estonian-Swedish Mental Health and Suicidology Institute

Haapsalu project: Prevention of (pre)suicidal behaviours in schoolchildren

1 January, 1996

Study design and evaluation: Prof Dr Airi Värnik (ERSI)

Implementation: Tiina Kütt (Counselling Centre for Children and Adolescents in Läänemaa) and Ingrid Danilov (Lääne County Government, social and health care department)

Duration: 2004-2005; 1996-1997

Funded by: Estonian Health Insurance Fund, Council of Gambling Tax, Lääne County Government

Description: The aims of the project are:

  1. To decrease depression and suicidal behaviours in children and adolescents (age 7-18)
  2. To increase awareness on suicidal behaviours and possible prevention strategies among gatekeepers
  3. To increased awareness on suicidal behaviours and possible prevention strategies among children and adolescents and their family members
  4. To strengthen social network and counselling/rehabilitation services for children and adolescents
  5. To improve mental heath and psycho-social coping in children and adolescents

Click here for the project description.

Estonian-Swedish Mental Health and Suicidology Institute (ERSI) | Õie 39 Tallinn 11615 |